Why I’m Running

  • Universal Basic Income and a single payer healthcare system for a better quality of life

    Thriving, Not Surviving

    In America, even though we are the wealthiest nation on Earth, life expectancy is going down, housing is becoming increasingly unaffordable, wages have stagnated since the 70s, the majority of American bankruptcies are the result of medical expenses, nearly 60% of workers live paycheck to paycheck and nearly a quarter of Americans can’t afford their prescription drugs. At the same time more and more jobs performed by humans are being replaced with technological advances. It is time for a single payer healthcare system and an unconditional universal basic income for all.

  • Barack Obama progressive leadership.

    Progressive Leadership

    Even though there are more registered democrats than Republicans in Louisiana, gerrymandering has left us very little progressive representation and no queer legislators in Louisiana. A priority of my campaign is to increase the number of registered progressive voters, re-engage disengaged voters and encourage progressives (especially queer, female and POC residents) to run for public offices in their communities.

  • Mel Manuel represents the LGBTQ+ community

    LGBTQ+ Rights

    There are currently 471 anti-LGBTQ laws proposed in the United States including 9 in Louisiana. Transgender people, especially trans people of color, are far more likely to be victims of violence than their cisgendered peers. LGBTQ+ youth are 4 times more likely attempt suicide than their peers. We must ensure that all LGBTQ+ individuals enjoy equal rights and can live openly and freely without discrimination or persecution.

    By running I hope to empower the LGBTQ+ community and allies to fight back.

  • Pro-choice rally. Our body, our choice.

    Our Bodies, Our Rights

    The government should not have a right to control our bodies especially when 80% of Americans support the right to choose abortion. Current anti-choice laws and punishments are draconian and dangerous. Now is the time to codify the reproductive rights previously afforded by Roe V. Wade into federal law, and to set precedents protecting our rights to gender affirming care.